Whilst The Danger Continues (Operation Take Down)
is the first novel that I have had published, the manuscript was actually the
second written with manyof the charactersincluding the starBrett Davis. The
first manuscript is titled ‘Dangerous Days’ (The Tamworth Affair) and was
accepted by AMP and a contract offered to publish. However, circumstances
atthat time, and commitments to life’s necessities were such that I allowed the
offer to lapse, and it wasn’t pursued by me. Somehow, the second manuscript, titled
‘The Danger Continues’ was also accepted by AMP and at the time the opportunity
to enter the contract to publish was taken up. Thus, the novel that is
published is actually the second in the series and readers may note several
references throughout The Danger Continues, to event that are depicted in the
first manuscript.
Maybe, one day we may be able to publish the series. We all must have a dream.
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